Single Malt

The "Single Malt" puzzle is closest to a conventional jigsaw, with lots of detail to help find the right pieces, the guitar is unusual and there are lots of tools and templates vaguely in focus to tease you a little bit. I think this is the "easiest" puzzle of the three.

Custom Ariel

Keith's picture is the "Custom Ariel". It actually is a photograph, of a special guitar in a mirror, the mirror was specially made to that weird shape and in fact I still have it. The floor and scenery are painted in perspective, and the floor is physically sloping as well. You might spend a bit of time studying various reflections and features to see how Keith did all this.

Not the easiest puzzle, but maybe not the hardest either.

Rio Leonardo

The "Rio Leonardo" is a very fancy guitar that we made for Henry Olsen, which his family call "Old Fruity". The lower part of the picture, the guitar body, is made more fun by Mike's manipulation of the various shots he took, but the upper half of the jigsaw will be a challenge, as there is so much dark space. I love that sort of thing, as I like to do jigsaws by shape as much as by picture detail.

Definitely the hardest puzzle of the three.

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